Monday, October 16, 2006

paper cuts & lemon juice

I am currently on hold with British Telecom and typing one-handed because, awkward and slow as this is, it's v bloody uncomfy to clamp the phone against one shoulder as I type. But I am not a patient person. I type MUCH faster with two hands. So I'm swapping [Thank you for holding. We are very busy at the moment and apologise for the delay. Your call will be answered as soon as possible.] to the shoulder clamp and we'll see how long it is till my neck freezes up. [Thank you for holding. We are very busy at the moment and apologise for the delay. Your call will be answered as soon as possible.] Today I'm trying to swap bills over to over to our names at the new flat. I've done the water, got to go through a [Thank you for holding. We are very busy at the moment and apologise for the delay. Your call will be answered as soon as possible.] complicated menu system with British Gas only to be told that I had to call back after I moved in. [Thank you for holding. We are very busy at the moment and apologise for the delay. Your call will be answered as soon as possible.] Great. I think after I get this phone done, I'm giving up for the day.

There are high dramas with getting people for our rooms [Thank you for holding. We are very busy at the moment and apologise for the delay. Your call will be answered as soon as possible.] –swap shoulder – nope – feels too awkward, swap back – Fab. Now I just have deathly silence at the end of my line. Super. Where'd the annoying voice go? Am I still connected? Bollocks to this. Sarah can do it tonight. [click]

Today sees me at the angriest I have been in a good long while. I'm not going in to details because Dad and I discovered the other day just how it easy for anyone to associate me with this blog (I mean sure, I'm not being super covert or anything but still, I had no idea) so in the spirit of fairness, I'm not going to rubbish someone behind their back. But for the reference of the family, who have seen me at all stages of anger- I'm at the deathly calm stage. For the reference of the rest of the world, that’s the stage that usually precedes my Incredible Hulk transformation. I tend to be (I think) a relatively easy-going, laid back person (with a couple of OCD tendencies) and would prefer to take the path of least resistance so will tend to take a whole lot of crap and just adapt until finally I’ve had enough and then I tend to…um… well… explode really. I yell- very loudly and am generally quite irate. It’s a very concentrated outburst of anger and negative emotion and I know isn’t that pleasant to be on the receiving end of- especially as most people don’t see it coming because I’ve been so bloody adaptable and accommodating. I’m not saying this is the best way to deal with problems and I am actually trying to change things- like if I think it matters, I’ll mention things then and there, before I go all green and monster-like but it’s a hard habit to kick and right now, it’s the calm before the storm.

I am so happy that I'm climbing tonight. I need something really hard to try to get up and distract me.

-signing off with deep breaths-

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