Friday, October 20, 2006


was Constantinople but now it's Istanbul not Constantinople so if you've got a date in Constantinople she'll be waiting in Istanbul...

Oh yes. I am currently staring down the barrel of Friday but to lighten it all, I have the delightful nonsense lyrics of 'Flood' from They Might Be Giants in my ears. I love Amazon. It's like Christmas. AND I have the latest Pratchett now as well, 'Wintersmith'. Tonight is sure gonna be a battle. I'm meant to be packing and as that is happening people will be coming through looking at my room and I'm meant to be making a banana cake. (They're (the bananas) ready plus Sarah say's it'll be nice to have it (the cake) at the new flat once we've moved in (no argument here), but last night she offered to make it and I said no. As in NO. I practically barked it out. We both looked a little surprised. Sarah cooks and bakes well but my banana cake recipe is the schizzle and hers... well… it isn't as good. Which makes me sound horrible. So I told her she could make it but I like my recipe best as it was moister. (The only time it is acceptable to use the word 'moist' is in association with cakes. Otherwise it just sounds dirty/dodgey.) And I felt stink for saying even that.) Hmm... hope you guys made it through all those parenthesis okay, it was a bit of a whitewater rapid there for a while...

So here I sit, knowing that i can procrastinate and piss away my final hour of work (if God didn't want us to procrastinate, he wouldn't have invented the internet) but there seems to be this weird phenomenon whereby the list of small and insignificant jobs that you abandon on a Friday as not of immediate importance grow exponentially over the weekend and by the time you come in on Monday it's TOO LATE *stress* *stress* *panic* *panic*. And so I'd best get on to them. As for procrastinating when I get home... well as soon as I open the Pratchett it's all over so I'll just have to dangle it like a carrot in front of me: pack up your wardrobe chapter one! pack up your chest of drawers chapter two! clear out that storage space under your bed chapter three! bonus for already clearing all the stuff off your walls this morning before work go straight to chapter four! battle with that top drawer of your desk. In fact, in penance for reading two chapters in a row, do the whole desk well that's almost everything done, read another two chapters anyway.

I think you can all see how this is going to go...

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