Tuesday, October 17, 2006

in the cold light of day

Looking back on yesterday now, it all seems a bit surreal. In fact things seemed surreal last night when I got home from climbing. Going climbing last night was, without a doubt, the best thing I could have done. It was 2 1/2 hours where, for the first time since I woke up (ignoring the hour at the gym in the morning) that I hadn't had my body 100% filled with anger. By the time I headed home, I was slightly pumped with adrenaline, definitely floating on endorphins and thinking back on what had made me angry seemed like looking at something through frosted glass. And this morning I wake up and I think, "Was I totally unreasonable? Is this all in fact not as bad as I had imagined? Did I overreact just a smidge?" Honestly, I don't know. I'm told by those around me that I handled the accumulation of shit dumped upon me yesterday just fine. (Nobody is saying 'very well'. A couple of my friends over here have heard me rant before but never seen me with such repressed fury and were actually worried for me. Hee hee. That's cute. Just imagine if I'd actualy Hulk-ified. Mwah hah hah.)

So all I really know is that today I'm back to my normal level-headed self. Which is fine, I like it better this way. Concentrated anger for over 8 hours straight ain't fab.

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