Monday, October 02, 2006

Night of the Stars 2006

Oh yes! It's that time of the year again, when the gravy train pulls up to the critic station and lets out a big wahoooooo!
To kick off the season it was Night of the Stars (Oscars night for the Mothras, the student film making festival.)
This year critic snagged a table right up the front of the hall, and had lots of cheap wine, and bubbly.
We were all very merry, but limited our obnxious calling to "Yeeee-awwww" (instead of the "We love you____!" of 2004).
Kate dressed up as Audrey Hepburn, Alex Franzen was Elton John. I coaxed John into strapping suspenders, Anji was stunning in an olive dress/skirt (clever!) and I found a beautiful; royal blue poofy creation at an op shop that morning for $5.

Here are some photos of the night: I think the only explanation needed is: we drank alot. and yes anji is picking her nose with that statuette which John, Dags and Anji won for Anji's music video. and we ended up at vivace.

Also here is a picture from Night of the stars in 2004 - when aynia, hannah and i fake superstar vomited in the girls toilets (where are all the rest of these photos aynia? - I can't find them anywhere!)And here is holly and me at 2005 Night of the stars (notice exactly same outfit and hairstyle that i wore for both 04 and 05)


aynz said...

Mmmm, deja vu. Are you sure that photo of you "throwing up" in the sink isn't recycled from 2004? It looks mighty familiar and I'm sure both myself and Hannah have matching ones of ourselves... ;-)

Anonymous said...

You guys look so pretty! Kate does a good Hepburn.