Tuesday, October 31, 2006

beautiful people... running

In the famous words of Homer Simpson, "Who knew so much happiness could come in a plastic coated wire?" Yep, we now have cable at home and I'm like some 8yr old child. Or Homer, take your pick. Sean looks at me in amazed horror as I sit with my eyes glued to the set. I've told him not to worry, in a week the novelty will wear off but for now I'm overwhelmed by the choice. I can watch back-to-back Simpsons and Futuramas. I can watch The A-Team. Oh the glory!

And on Sunday morning I got to watch.... Baywatch. Oh the tacky glory! Oh the plastic breasts! Oh the high cut swimsuits! Oh the speedos!! Oh the muscley bodies! Oh the badbadBAD acting and stilted delivery! I like to think that I have good* taste but part of me has a decided penchant for the trashy and tacky. And Baywtach is all that and a bottle of fake tan. The episode I got to see (hey, did you guys know that Baywatch ran for 10 years? Holy Jesus! How did they manage that?) was one where the Aussie Iron Man team came to challenge the Baywatch Iron Man team. I spent 3 minutes staring at the TV in complete, total and utter gob-smacked amazement as they did this training montage that featured all the guys running down the beach, surfing, etc in their speedos. Those are some brave, brave men. And even more hilarious was that the Aussie team had bright red speedos with their names across both the crotch and the ass. I was laughing out loud. Loudly. And of course, there was a limo that had run into the sea (?!!WTF?! How did it get so far out that they had to swim out to deep water to rescue it?) so all the lads ran off to help and all you see is strapping man running along, shedding clothing as they speed to the rescue to finally jump in to the sea and the last thing you see as they dive under the water is their names stenciled on their shiny red speedo-clad asses. How can you top that? It was just all so bad. Bad plot, badly acted, bad bad bad but like a car crash, I just couldn't look away. In fact I may be back for more this weekend.

*it’s okay to like horrible tacky stuff if you know it’s horrible and tacky. It’s when you think it’s actually beautiful that there’s a problem.

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