Wednesday, October 18, 2006

back to normal(ish)

I realised today that it's been a good long while since I've directed you all towards links or the weird and wonderful. I've been so caught up in The Dramas of the Life of A Noever that I've been remiss with keeping in contact with the surreal.

And I've found some doozies. :-) Unfortunately blogger doesn't seem to want to let me post images today (boo hiss) so I'll just have to direct you the old-fashioned way.

people who look like their dogs


just plain crazy

Tonight I go home and start packing. We're moving on Saturday and have to go to the agent's on Sat morn to sign our lives away and tomorrow I'm climbing which leaves me tonight and Fri night to pack. It's not like I have a lot of stuff but I know it'll turn out to be more than I thought so I guess it's best to start now. Woot.

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