Thursday, June 29, 2006

the entry that speaks of the death of Harry Potter and Bruno the Bear

I would never have promoted Metro as quality journalism and I know it's just meant to be the light and fluffy morning read on the tube but Monday's issue made me reallyREALLY annoyed. There was one feature with the heading "JK looks set to kill Harry". In it they write The 40-year-old said: 'I have never been tempted to kill [Harry] off before because I've always planned seven books.' Killing her star character would men other writers could not cash in on her success by writing a sequel, she added. Rowling, who was speaking on the Richard and Judy show, said: 'I'm not going to commit myself because I don't want the hate mail, apart from anything else.

I was soooooooooo angry when I read this. I mean how can she kill Harry just so other people can't write about him later?! How selfish and money-grubbing and horrible is that?!! (I'm being driven to exclamation marks!!!)

But then I happened to look on line for a link for you folks and came across this link. Now call me a pedant but there is a WORLD of difference between saying that you understand why authors kill of characters and actually saying you might be planning it. So I was all angry at the Metro for misrepresenting stuff but on re-reading the article, I do have to admit that I didn't see the Richard and Judy show so I don't know what was implied there.

The next thing to piss me off was the article about Bruno the Bear being killed. This was nothing against Metro, just stupid bloody Germans with guns. I mean the poor chap was just roaming around having some fun and if they were concerned for the public, couldn't they just as easily have shot him with a tranquiliser dart and relocated him. No. Of course not, they had to kill him dead. They probably have his head mounted in a pool room somewhere. Fuckers.

And tomorrow, with luck, you'll hear about me slumming it at the Spanish Embassy (not as exciting as it may sound). Ciao.

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