Saturday, June 10, 2006

the tip of the iceberg

If Becca was worried about my custom-made computer hood yesterday, I can only imagine how she feels about the handles I manufactured for my boxes of decorations...

Kerry and I ordered decorations online for our Mexican themed birthday party and the finally arrived today (just in time!) but I hadn't realised just how large the box would be (there's a piƱata and some sombreros in there) and I have to get a train and a bus home so I went all MacGyver with the cellotape and made myself some handles. It's just sensieble really. I haven't opened the box yet, I'll do that when I get home but I know there's a 20 inch high inflatable parrot with my name on it. I mean how could I say no? There will be a full debriefing with lots of piccies on Monday. Till then, I eagerly await cards and texts...

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