Friday, August 10, 2007

Cake Sunday

It's been a while I know. I can't even start on explaining how busy work has been but I'll sum it up in 9 hours days (at least) with no lunch breaks- ie. veryVERY busy. So this week, my baby having gone to press, I thought I'd be able to sit back and breathe a bit but it hasn't really been the case. (Boo hoo, sob sniff oh woe is me poor widdle Aynzy-kins etc etc)

Hayden is staying at the moment and I'm sure the poor boy thinks I have no life and that all I do it come home, coma, watch tele and bake cakes. I tried to set up a monthly date where friends came around and each month it was 2 news people's turn to choose what cakes we would have. This seemed a cunning way to (1)buy friends and (2)work my way through the cook books I'd been given for Xmas. Alas through general lack of organisation and business, it hasn't been monthly but after much delay, this Sunday shall once again be Cake Sunday. I'm looking forward to it. I like baking- hell, I love baking, and this is a great excuse for me to muck in- plus I like feeding people. So roll on Cake Sunday!

So what else has been happening in the Land of A? Not a helluva lot really, I must get back on with stumbling to serve up quirky web gems and other lively bits'n'bobs to enliven your days. In fact half a tick....

Aah yes, here are some goodies:
Eagle vs Shark
Those of you in NZ have probably already heard of this gem or, dare I say, seen it (no idea when it's coming out). For this wanting-to-be-back-home-Kiwi, this film trailer is an absolute gem. Kinda Napoleon Dynamite rip-off-esque, but still, the accents alone could keep me happy for days. I will like so totally be watching this in the cinema.

For the cat lovers, this is adorable.

Have a great weekend everybody!


standgale said...

yay, the cake idea is a good one - I'd come.... :( I've missed you with no updates - tell your bosses there are people who need you to update your blog and that they have to give you time for that, just once or twice a week....

aynz said...

hee hee, I'll see if I can appeal to their better nature, "Please give me time off work to blog because my friends in NZ miss it."