Tuesday, July 25, 2006


This folks, is the 100th post on this blog. I should have photos galore and witticisms abounding but all I want to do is go back home and crawl in to bed. Or even just crawl under my desk. I have been struck down by a huge wallop of apathy and a side serving of lethargy. Or maybe it's apathy that's the side dish- I'm not so sure and predictably, I don't really care. I have no idea why I am this tired. I mean it's been hard to muster up energy in this heat anyway but this is the worst yet. (Not the heat, my reaction.) I even got myself to the gym this morning and usually this is enough to kickstart my day but my one minor surge of endorphins wore off a good wee while ago. This apathy inducing lethargy also feeds in to work which ain’t so fab. We're on deadline this week and I have a reasonably lengthy list of things to do, most of them just small things like emails to send but I can't be bothered to do even that. And if I don't, it'll pile up and Friday will be mega stress. So I need to do it now but all I seem to have the energy for is whinging into the cyber void about how shit I feel. Which isn't really what you folks care to read but if this exists, as I thought it did, to keep people up to date on the life of me well here it is. You're up to date. Woe is me, poor widdle Aynzy-kins, yada yada yada.

(Once this slump passes, there will be a hugely enthusiastic email about my weekend in Ireland which was fantastic. I had one of my best weekends ever and the wedding was beautiful. I just need to start in on this list that sits on my desk and glares at me ominously... I'm hoping things will pick up after lunch.)

1 comment:

kittyruth said...

can you please post wedding and ireland photos quicksnp! wanta see now!