Monday, July 17, 2006

a saga of Irish proportions

I had contemplated writing this up like a screenplay with cast lists and everything but frankly, I can't be bothered to instead you'll get the brutal summary- This Wednesday I'm heading over to Ireland for Anita's wedding. Anita is one of the 4 daughters of Pat & Olive who I spent Xmas with.

Plan A- fly over on the Wed evening, get picked up from the airport and stay with my cousin Aaron who I haven't seen in 8 years
Plan B- I can't get picked up on the Wed night any more so I suck up to Corin and get a bed to stay for Wed night and plan to bus out to the wedding on the Thurs morn.
Plan C- Cathy says she can pick me up and I can stay with her and her lot....

Today saw what I can only hope is Plan D, the last in the saga:
I will be collected by "a rather hunky friend of Steve [the groom] with funky hair" who will have a placard with my name on it so I will feel either really important or really embarrassed. He will then take me and another youngish couple coming in at the same-ish time to Anita [the bride] and Steve's house in Carrickfergus outside Belfast. There will be "5 young people, all direct or indirect friends of Steve", and Cathy tells me that Anita tells her that I'll be well placed and have a ball.


If this is not the most Irish thing ever, I don't know what is. I think I shall either have one of the most fab weekends ever or things will be quitequite pear shaped... I am of course crossing my fingers for single, spunky-haired-hunks with hilarious Belfast accents. Wish me luck.

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