Thursday, July 13, 2006

when I grow up

I want to be this cool

Or at least I want to write like mimi smartypants. I was checking out a related link on A Dress A Day which was, up until half an hour ago, my fav blog of the moment. (Even though I can't wear dresses (they never fit) I love to look at the pics and I like the way she writes.) But no more. I am now a mimi smartypants fan. What's the appeal? Well I'm still trying to nut it out but I think it comes down to: I like the way this lady thinks and the way she writes about it. It's the way I imagine things sounding in my head when I want to blog, it has to attitude and cadence I want and then I just come out with my usual bollocks. *sigh* I'll be that cool one day. Honest. In the mean time, everyone should get along and check out her blog: because it is cool and cutiepie. And her kid sounds ultra supercutiepie. I don't like the dairyland setup as much as blogspot or maybe it's just the way she's set it up but focus on the content people.

As I write, I have a draft of another entry almost ready to rock - lots of Stonehenge pics among other things - but for now this is what you get coz I am supermegaüberbusy with work. As you may have guessed from my one week blogging absence. Patience grasshopper, there shall be plenty of nonsensical blather soon enough.

1 comment:

kittyruth said...

i haev totally just satrted reading that blog! what a coincidence! Anna PArk put me onto it.
it's my jessa jeffries replacement.