Monday, February 20, 2006

first issue arrrrrghh

So right now i'm in the middle of putting together the first issue for Critic 06. It is (ofcourse) a nightmare, and I wish now I had saved more money last year and decided to travel all this year. How nice it would be to be somewhere like Portugal... Or maybe working on a cruiseship making shandys for retired people.

In the course of obligatory procrastination, I insisted that the office be completley shifted around-- I'm really into my open plan, indoor-outdoor flow and all. I also got crazy with the gaff tape for all those fricken cords.
Here's a photos of the result. It still looks like the office has heaps of crap in it, but really we threw out heaps.

Perhaps even the OSX 10.3 cd which has gone missing. Fantastic.

NB: Kate working under her desk at the right....

1 comment:

aynz said...

Oooer, very swanky my sweet. Although I'm not sure about the feng shui of the bookcase covering the window... ;-) And I'll get to actaully swan around it all in only 6 weeks! YAY!!!!!!!!!!