Thursday, September 28, 2006

why does it have to be so hard?

I don't know why exactly I'm never happy with my haircuts. Not 100% anyway. I'll be the first to admit that maybe, just maybe I have unrealistic expectations. I have fine überstraight hair and if the 'maintenance' is anything more than combing it when it's wet and drying it in winter so I don't get sick, well it just ain't gonna happen. That does not however stop me looking at other people's hair with longing and thinking, "Sure, mine could do that." Not without some product and a fancy styling brush and at least 20 mins of patience.... Apart from that, I think I want stuff that if blatantly contradictory. I like short choppy cuts but need to have my hair long enough to tie back; I like bits framing my face but then I don't like it when it makes me lose volume from the front of my hair; I want cool funky layers but don't want to lost volume throughout. In fact it's probably all my fault that I'm never totally happy with my hair.

That said, I've had more trouble over here than back home. Back home I was usually 90% happy. Over here it's so bloody expensive that I was going to a place around the corner from work that did £13 Wednesday cuts where I got to have a Russian have-at my hair while little old ladies got their blue and purple set & rinses done. It was usually fine (80% happy) although I could hardly understand her so I’d just ask for 'the same but shorter- tidy it up please'. But this time I decided to try something a bit different so I thought I'd get a person speaking my mother-tongue to cut my hair. She was a lovely girl and we chatted away the whole time and I was so sure she knew exactly what I wanted. We talked layers, we talked length, we talked texture, we talked about dealing with stuff around my face- I really felt we were on the same page. One thing I had been specific about was that I wanted it choppy and textured at the bottom and when she went to whip away my cape with a "how does that feel" I gathered up the courage (she was the one wielding the pointy scissors and this was her creation) to say that I'd like a bit more texture and choppy bits at the bottom- by which I meant any at all because, apart from a couple of layers at the back and stuff framing my face (not as much as I'd asked for) the bottom was COMPLETELY STRAIGHT. And I hatedit. So she started and said, "Like this?" and I said, "Oh hell, go mad. Have at it." And even so, I'm sure there are still nasty, completely straight rigid bits hiding at the back where I can't see them. And how do I feel after all that talking and explaining and correcting? I'll tell you- like I have something the same but shorter. I walked out thinking that I could have got pretty much the same thing for half the price from the Russian. I give up. From now on I'll just wear a hat.


kittyruth said...

Double blog post! w00t!1!

more more! pictures of the hair! i have to say i liked the 'do you had when you visited home - with those funky highlighty bits and all.

i think i win in extraordinary hair pricing - i'm too embarrassed to even say how much my last one cost. however i really really needed it. I needed it so bad that even my mother commented on it, and offered an early birthday present of a hair cut. I'm trying to save for overseas! I thought i could make it right up to just before I left! obviously not!
You try growing out blonde-tastic - it looks like you dipped half your head in a bucket of bleach!

Ironically, this last haircut I had my hair dyed back to my "natural" colour so it would be less maintanance when travelling etc. I say 'ironically' becuase it was so far the most expensive haircut ever.

Man what a rambly comment!

aynz said...

It's entirely possibly that I may, just a little, have exaggerated for artistic purposes.... Well not really. The hair does not look bad but I think that's only because I salvaged it from potentially ug-mo to just normal. I had hoped for super-funky. And that cool do I had when I was back home? I got it done in Dunners and it cost me a fortune. But totally worth it.