Thursday, January 17, 2008

oh woe is me

I definintely fall under the stereotype of the person who hardly ever gets sick and when they do, they do it in style. Yesterday, just after lunch, I started to feel like someone was slowly stuffing my head full of cotton wool. Then they started to slowly pour in a viscous liquid. And then, clearly feeling they needed to ice the cake of discomfort, they decided to take to me with a piece of 2x4. I ache. Everywhere. So needless to say I'm not at work but I had to venture out this morning to get supplies and I am now going to retire to the sofa to continue ODing on vitamin C. I've had so much of it already in its various forms that I wouldn't be surprised if I start sweating it out my pores. But to sweat I would need to be warm and I even have my thermals on under my trackies. I'm about to go put on a Die Hard movie (probably 2 because I watched 1 again at the weekend) and am hoping I'll pull my party trick of falling asleep when the action gets going. I don't know what it is about the constant noise of gunfire and explosives but it lulls me to sleep...

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