Wednesday, August 09, 2006

nonsensical late afternoon babble

Everyone I make coffee for leaves me. Well every guy in this office that I make Magic Coffee for (instant coffee + milk = Magic Coffee). First Christian and now Jon (Dive's designer). They claim they love my coffee and I get such heart-warming smiles when I make it. And then they leave. Is there something they're not telling me?

And why do you guys get to hear about this? Well I tried to upload weekend happy snaps but photos is 'not responding'. So instead you get nonsense. Shortly I shall be leaving for week#2 of my climbing course. Tonight we get to spontaneously thow ourselves off the wall so that our belayers get a chance to see what it is like to catch someone when they're falling. It'd better not have to be from too high up, that's all I can say.

So if this blog is my last, it's been great folks, remember to be kind to your knees, you'll miss them when they're gone.

Peace out.

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