Tuesday, June 26, 2007

when not to read your horoscope

1-I am never reading it from the Metro again. Usually the only horoscope reading I do is from the LondonLite on a Monday and Thursday evening on way to or from climbing. It's a retrospective look at my day and talks in abstract manners about how Mars is affecting my moon's third alignment in the second phase of its ascension so there might be some conflict in the work sector today. I like that, it amuses me.

what doesn't amuse me is:

2- reading first thing on a Monday morning:
Another week fraught with crazy misunderstandings and things going wrong. It won't kill you, but it could make you intensely irritated. Just keep double-checking everything.

WTF kind of a reading is that?! Was the person who wrote these in an extremely foul mood? What's their gripe with Gemini? I instantly had to scan to see if other star signs had similar doomsday predictions for their week... I was slightly reassured but nobody seemed to have the end-of-the-world line-up as I did. The I got to work and I had no internet or email or server connection and then I found out that my address book did not make it in the backup of things when my computer was rebuilt on Friday and once the internet was back, one website I needed- just the one, wasn't working and I couldn't download pictures I needed. It was then that I swore never to read a horoscope in the morning again and most probably never from the Metro.

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