Tuesday, August 05, 2008


I have all these drafts kicking around so have decided to tidy up and shove them all together in one entry so it's a bit of a mixed bag for this entry folks. Or, to make it seem more intentional, a little something for everyone.

beaker sings ode to joy
I always had a soft spot for Beaker, I'm not exactly sure why. I think maybe it's the whole speechless and easily frazzled thing. He's so cute when he panics!

This t-shirt design is just cool. Aaah good old subversive-ism.

Geek bling!

So awesome. I'm all about celebrating the inner geek and this stuff even looks pretty.

Ever since coming to the UK and being exposed to a record number of tea drinkers, (many who want a cup at the same time and all have slightly different preferences), I have maintained that they should specify their tea colour in a Pantone manner to ensure accuracy. (I work in publishing, Pantone geek jokes are acceptable.) So when I came across this blog entry, I was pleased to see that I wasn't the only OCD ideas man out there.

This is one of the coolest (I'm using that word a lot this entry.... Hmmmm.....) websites I've come across in a while. Each section has a unique way of merging into the next and it's incredibly well thought out as well as being funny and creative. Can you find all five secrets? I have but can't activate one. Pooey.

And this? Well this I stumbled across and thought it was both sad and cool.

And last but not least, a pic of moi. My friend had a birthday at the Rollerdisco at the weekend. About 10 of us headed along together and everyone embraced the kitsch-arama 70's/80's dress-up spirit. It was enormous fun and being back on rollerskates (I was quite the rollerskater in my youth)was enormous fun. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the dress-up as well. I haven't used that much hairspray in, well, forever. Apart from maybe dance recitals, those were all about the hairspray.

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