Friday, August 29, 2008

link-tastic Tuesday

I've been collecting a veritable smorgasbord of links over the past week or so as I've been stumbling and now that the list has reached almost epic proportions, I've decided it's time to just cut to the chase and blog 'em. Clicking on the images should take you through to the websites.

discworld geek it up

I love geeks, just lovelovelove them.

How amazingly cool are these wooden toys? They're Japanese. I want one. Hell, I want them all.

lego imitates art

I'm very into my doodling at the moment. I'm finding it a great way to switch off my brain when I need a break, it gets the hands moving again and stretches my creative muscles. I like these doodles. Also, for those who haven't noticed that I've updated my links and recommended blogs, check out doodlage. It's fly.

This made me smile:

As did this:

As did these:

And there's plenty more where that came from...

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