Saturday, March 10, 2007


Well I'm back from Egypt and I promised my Dad I'd blogged today but after going out and foraging for food and restocking the shelves, I find that I'm absolutely shattered and need an afternoon kip before I head out to meet some of the girls for dinner and a movie. So it could well take until tomorrow till I get around to writing about my trip, or anything at all for that matter. The thought of it is a bit intimidating actually because there's so bloody much to write about- I think I'll have to do it in instalments. So for now, to those who I know will be wanting to nag me to fill them in, just wait a day and then I'll have something for you.

Peace out.



Anna said...

Is is Anna Park...just so there's no confusion.
Just wanted to let you know I read your blog, and am excited to hear about Egypt!
I thought I should comment here so you don't think I heart Kitty's blog more!

aynz said...

good to know! ;-) xox I promise to get me A into G regrads writing about it ASAP.