Tuesday, March 27, 2007


If I were truly paranoid/superstitious, I would wonder if my declaration not to have chocolate for the rest of the week has jinxed my week. That or Fate happened to be eavesdropping at the time, heard me declare I could make it through the rest of the week without any choccie and rubbed her hands with glee and she went, "Oh yeah? Try this on for size Little Miss Chocoholic."

Without going in to detail, because I don't when it involves work, let's just say that suddenly I'm having to handle a multi-tasking bonanza and am so busy that I can't even get to the gym and I've become quite dependent on my midday endorphin fix so today my brain can't clear itself and I'm feeling a bit stressed. Last week was worse but I was ready for it. This week just snuck up behind me with a baseball bat (a reoccurring theme in my life you may notice...), the sneaky little sh*t.

I am going climbing tonight (please God don't let Fate hear that) so at least I'll get to work some of the aaaaaargh out of my system.

things I don't understand
and finally... some random things going through my head on the walk to work this morning
- socks and sandals: WTF?
- inability to use apostrophes: unacceptable
- putting mascara on before going diving: I don't care if it's waterproof or not. WTF?
- women who wear so much fake tan and makeup that they look orange: do they not look in the mirror?
- someone who doesn't much like chocolate or sweet things in general: this person is very hard for me to bribe. Usually I preface favours with the promise of cake or biccies. When I can't offer this I don't know what to do...


Lottchen said...

Being a geek who has gone without chocolate since Ash Wednesday (and shall continue to do so until Easter - GEEK) might I recommend rhubard and apple crumble? Cinnamon is the new chocolate.

PS. Will email soon. I haven't seen you in ages. I miss you!


standgale said...

offer them chippies and crackers? unfortunately these don't have the same lovely connotations as cakes and bikkies, but they may work none-the-less for bribing purposes. Try chips like pringles for instance.
Try cheezums pringles if you like pringles, they are a fairly bright yellow-orange and quite obviously the worst thing for you on the planet. And yummy, although you know you shouldn't even look at them let alone eat them.

standgale said...

oh yeah, investigate this thing also as a counter for your blog - www.shinystat.com - although their site is down at the moment??!! They give you stats on visits and page views, and ALSO the OSs and browsers of your visitors, how they came to your site, from what country, etc. Google searches that led to your site is also fun, although I've only had two searches lead to mine since I started it a month ago it is still cool. Great fun to browse your own statistics if you are a bit obsessed with information.
Blogger doesn't provide this sort of info anywhere does it?

Anonymous said...

The question now is: DID you get through without choccie—or did fate win this round?

aynz said...

It is Friday and this marks day 4 of no choccie. I decided to be a realist and make it one working week without choccie and ignore the fact that I only started on a Tuesday. But yes, if I make it through to midnight I won. Who'd've thought? I also turned down fish and chips for dinner on Tues night, I think an alien has taken over my body... ;-)

aynz said...

Oh yeah- I forgot to say, Fate can kiss my ass. Yeah that's right, you heard me, KISS MY ASS. (Why do I now feel a sense of impending doom...?)