Wednesday, April 08, 2009

the cook and the chef

I'm a sucker for a cooking show and even when they're crap, I seem to find it very hard to look away. Even if I can't stand the presenters (don't get me started on Nigella, I could rant on forever) but in this case, I love the show and the presenters. For those not in Aussie, you will not be familiar with The Cook and the Chef but it's great. And if you check out the website, they have videos you can watch. As a vegetarian, I'm usually hanging out for the desserts for anything I could actually make myself but I still find it fascinating to watch the meaty stuff being cooked. (And I even think that some of it looks good enough to eat!

What caught my eye tonight was Potato Dauphinoise- something I've always been a sucker for but this one is slightly different in that it's cooked in the pot and then put under the grill to brown up. Previously, I've always just put it in the oven from the get-go. I don't know if this method cooks quicker than the traditional method but I'm willing to give it a go. I've put in a screen grab of teh recipe, clicking on the pic will take you to the website.

I will also have to try this recipe for Apple Fool. I lurve just about anything with cooked apple (or indeed apple flavoured or apple scented anything...) and this is a quick and easy dessert (apart from remembering ot make it far enough in advance to chill it) but I really like the way the apple has been flavoured up as it cooked. I tend to add some lemon, some sugar, a bit of cinnamon if appropriate but this version sounds scrummy!

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