Thursday, May 24, 2007

sniffle snuffle snot- again

I am currently wallowing in full-blown oh-woe-is-me-ness. This can't just be hayfever. Have I finally succumbed to a version of what has been making the rounds of my friend's flat? I hope not. I have four rainy days to look forward to in Portugal and at the moment not even the thought of going all pruney in the jacuzi makes me feel better because my brain is leaking down the back of my throat, I have soggy cotton wool in my sinuses, my face is exploding and I feel like a whale. Man but I'm good at being grumpy. AND my flight tomorrow is at God-awful-early-o'clock in the morning so that I might as well not even bother going to sleep at all. And I forgot my camera yesterday so no pictures of cute baby animals. BA HUMBUG.

1 comment:

Lottchen said...

It might just be hayfever - I'm suddenly suffering too. I'd been thinking that I could wing it on alternative medicines, namely caffeine and vitamin C, but yesterday I was back to the drugs again. And getting the weirdest sneezes which were without warning, violent and repeatative(prompting 'Is she dead?' from someone at home). Something nasty must be flowering. Gak.

Anyhoo, have fun in Portugal, you lucky devil...
