Friday, April 20, 2007

I wanna make a supersonic woman of you

My list of things I want to write about has now reached such epic proportions that blogging is no longer a pleasure but a chore, or rather the thought of having to do it is. So what do I do? I procrastinate. Duh. Like what else would a girl do when faced with a daunting task. I'm sure as hell not starting in on it- oh wait, here I am, starting. Hmm... go figure.

my friend is famous
His name is in cyberprint for research he is doing. I think this is cool. I also like that I have a friend who works with lasers because ever since Austin Powers, I haven't been able to hear that word without at least smiling. 'Lay-zer'. Oh the hilarity.

what gets you through the day
I am trying to go for a run in the morning before work. I say trying because it doesn't happen as much as I wish. I have come to the conclusion that waking up at 6am is just not going to happen if I get to sleep at midnight or later. This girl needs a solid 7 hours to function and left to my own devices I tend to cap at 8. And even with 7 hours under my belt, I still start my run/walk with a squinting , bleary-eyed, drooling shuffle that makes me resemble a zombie more than it does a live human being. I walk (shuffle/drool) my way to the park nearby which is really 2 smallish separated ruby/football fields and once I get to field, I start to run. I try to do 2 laps with a small walk in-between (a girl needs to breathe) and I'm aiming to just run eventually. Let me state for the record now that I am not a runner. I am not the stuff that running is made of. I enjoy sprinting. I like the feeling of speed. I like going fast. Unfortunately I don't actually go that fast because I am but a wee thing with short legs but still, sprinting I enjoy. But running- no way josé. So why am I doing it? Well it seems like a good idea at the time. I need something cardio so running's it really and it ain't that bad once the endorphins kick in, which they do with the assistance of my super cheesey choice of music. I firmly believe that if I'm going to huff, puff, and wheeze my way around a sports ground, I'm going to do it in style. Which for the past couple of mornings has meant Queen. The superduperclichéloving freak buried not-so-deep inside me finds a perverse sense of satisfaction from gleaning inspiration and meaning from such songs as Fat Bottom Girls and Don't Stop Me Now. I often wonder what people might think if they knew that I was making my running death-wheezing noise to the beat of Another One Bites the Dust...


standgale said...

"I like the feeling of speed. I like going fast. Unfortunately I don't actually go that fast"

Ha ha, funny. I can't run fast either. Sometimes, I feel like I'm running fast, but I'm actually running very slowly, as compared to all other people running, including people actually running the other direction, I am that slow. That's why we should ice skate everywhere, because it is easier to go faster, so it is more fun. But it would also be very cold if there was ice everywhere. Oh well.

aynz said...

not to mention the issue of balance.... you have clearly not seen the coordinated and athletic figure I cut when on the ice...