Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Blog-tart THIS

I thought I should blog about something ACTUALLY designy, nevermind it being belated.
About two weekends a go was the Aotearoa Digital Arts symposium in Dunedin (http://www.design.otago.ac.nz/news/index.htm?articleid=1420). It was a weeknd of different talks and workshops about digital media. And it was free registration if you replied to Caro McCaw (convenor) in an email by Novembver 24th.

So on Friday the 25th, I hob nobbed along to the DPAG, wearing my biggest yet "fuck-off-i'm-too-cool sunglasses" yet, and arriving fashionably late. Apart from I read the brochure wrong, and I was fricken early, so I got to talk to design department lecturers, and tell them all about what I was "going to do next year", while wishing I'd taken my ridiculous sunglasses off at the door.
After a while more people showed up, and soon the DPAG was full of Dunedin's most sophis. and hippest 22-40 demographic, all wearing no-sweat chucks and kookie accessories on black, black, black. Then the digital art started and so did the need to drink. Lucky there was such cheap drinks, (and, coincidentally some really firm seedy strawberries.)

The digital art itself was all flash-o-grams of abstract video clips and music -- all very Too Cool.

And then it starts to get hazy.

I know that I talked with others about how the next day we were supposed to go on a digital media 'mystery bus tour', and something to do with an RGB scavenger hunt, but the next time I remember thinking about this, was sometime on Saturday morning lying in my bed feeling too ill to move. The next time was when I crouched in feotal position in my shower until the hot water ran out. And then the next time was when my stomach decided it didn't yet want to be rehydrated, and pointed this out to me in my own RGB bucket scavenger hunt.
When I finally could move on Saturday night, I couldn't stand up straight becuase my liver hurt too much.
That's right, try getting so drunk that you can't stand up straight because you LIVER hurts! I haven't been like that since my Totally Tequila 18th birthday party.

So, I forfeited most of the digital symposuim for a night of highschool drinking. I'm sure i'll be able to reflect on this with fondness and some stage in my life, but probably will never be able to drink that regal combination of beer, wine and vodka again.

Tomorrow I graduate. Isnt that nice. A good ol' pink-satin, white-fur BA in Art History in Design; another hopeful in the ratrace of the 27-35,000 income bracket!

UNI10106 -- check
HBD06 -- check
Wallplanner06 -- check


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