Thursday, January 26, 2006

sweet, sweet relief

I am currently basking in a rush of relief-induced adrenaline as I have just found out that I don't have to file a tax return.

A small thing you might think but I've been freelancing for the past 4 months and there are suddenly posters up everywhere saying you need to file self assessment tax returns by Jan 31 or there's a £100 fine. Eeek. Since I've just been getting cheques for freelancing I've basically been getting cash in hand, tax-free and if I didn't think I was going to be in the UK much longer, I wouldn't bother with the tax thing but as I might be here for a while, I don't feel like getting on the wrong side of IRD. (Dude, that's a long sentence.) Anyway, turns out this tax return is for the year April 2004-2005 and I've only been in the country since June 2005 so I don't have to worry about it. Thank bloody God. If there's one thing these Brits are good at it's paper work and queuing. (So that's two things, so sue me.)

So yay no £1000 of tax to pay by Tues and no paperwork!!!! I think should go shopping at lunchtime to celebrate... ;-)

A friend has brought to light how remiss I've been on blogging so here I am. For those not in the know, you should check out I'll be posting pics on it as my Mac doesn't seem to like putting pics on this blog (although it may prove me wrong when I try it again in 5 mins) plus it's also tres cool. It can take a while for pics to load although that could be our fucked up internet connection at work and nothing to do with wickeywoo-ness. (I'm not dissing you Rob, promise. xox) And for those who aren't privy to wickeywoo picture glory, get thee to the website and sign up. Pronto.

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