Right. Wales. I'm running behind with blogging (Valencia is next) so will do my picture caption trick. I can say this though, despite having some of my worst hayfever, it was a great weekend. It looks freakishly like NZ but being out and about and in fresh air again was simply delicious.

Here is me enjoying fresh air and green fields. Mmmm..... smells like home.

Looks like home too. Tussock and sheep, who'd've thought?

The compulsory bigsmall.

We took a pretty decent walk around some waterfalls. I can't remember heir names or locations and considering that the Welsh seem to have some kind of almost religious objection to vowels, I couldn't pronounce it even if I could remember it.

We went to visit a castle (again with the lack of name remembering) and there was this staircase which went down into the ground for ages and was totally pitch black (Antony had a head torch and I went all MacGyver with using the infrared light focus from my camera to light my way) and we go through all this dark, dank tunnel to find what? This:

This is a cool Priory whose name I cannot remember but I shall never forget it because this is where I turned into a circus freak. Since I have no shame and I really did look like a freak, I had to share the pic with you guys. It was totally strange. My eye started to itch, then got all hot and I ran to the bathroom to take out my contacts to find that my eye was nearly swelled shut. This was about lunchtime on the Monday so I spent the rest of the trip without my contacts and hiding behind my sunnies. I went to the doctor the next day who was, surprise surprise, not very helpful but gave me some drops, told me to keep up my hayfever pills- even though they were quite clearly having no effect at all that weekend and sent me on my way.

Tintern Abbey. The one place name I can remember.
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