Wednesday, May 21, 2008

grumble, bitch, moan and wallow

Maybe it's the word wallow that brings to mind this kids' book which my sister and I loved while we were growing up, Piggy in the Puddle. And in fact just thinking about it and googling it and I've found some of the lines. The rhyming is pure, simple, ridiculous genius and is going a long way to lightening my foul mood (which I'm swimming in at the moment until my fingers go all pruney). So I shall share some of these wonderful rhymes with you all before I proceed to bore you to tears as I vent.
See the piggy
See the puddle
See the muddy little puddle
See the piggy in the middle
Of the muddy little puddle
See her dawdle, see her diddle
In the muddy, muddy middle
See her waddle, plump and little
In the very merry middle.

and other gems such as "squishy-squashy, mooshy-squooshy, oofy-poofy nope".

And now to rant: the comedy of errors that was my morning can really be summed up as such: read till 1am so slept in and ran late, missed train by 2mins, next train delayed by 15mins, very late to work, phone ran out of money so couldn't tell anyone, weather which looked sunny when I left home has turned windy and overcast so I'm FREEZING in my skirt and jandals and don't have a proper jacket to keep me warm after climbing (or on the way to climbing). All I have is a piss-weeny cardi) and my gmail still isn't working properly and I don't feel I can justify taking lunch off for the gym as I was so late and want to run away at 5pm to climb and in general I am in a Foul Mood. Being cold really doesn't help. I'd change in to my 3/4 pants I have for climbing but they're all chalky and scodey from Mon night. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even the thought that I'm getting another press trip- Gran Canaria this time (June 19-24 so really soon) isn't cheering me up. Fester fester fester. Rot rot rot.


pschlup said...

Awww. Poow widdwe Ayniakins. The world's smallest violin is playing you a serenade. =)

aynz said...

I shall ignore your sarcasm and take the serenade with thanks. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, I bet you're really going to miss London.