Thursday, September 27, 2007


On Tues night, Graeme (my climbing buddy) and I did our first session of our lead climbing course.

It was awesome. I had such fun. I still get all adrenaliney and psyched just thinking about it. At first I was fairly nervous for a myriad (good word) of reasons:
1- lead climbing is more dangerous
2- I might not be fit enough to do it (turns out that at least for learning, that isn't really an issue)
3- we were being taught by Mike, the guy who taught us for our beginners course which was over a year ago now and I was nervous knowing that he was really analysing our climbing and checking our technique and I was paranoid that he'd be thinking, "Holy crap, this chick can't climb for sh*t." Which is of course bollocks but still- that's the way my brain works.

I don't know that 3 reasons makes for a myriad but they were all for naught in the end. I did not get hurt, fitness wasn't an issue and Mike told us that we progressed the fastest out of all the people he's taught so far (only 4 groups before us but that doesn't matter to me and Graeme. We know we're cool.) which was awesome.

It also turns out that the Westway, where I climb, is the only place in the UK (or at least London, I'm pretty sure it was the UK) where they teach falling as part of their lead climbing course because it's deemed as potentially dangerous but Westway backs their course and personally, after having started this course. I don't see how you could teach lead climbing without teaching people how to fall. You're more likely to fall lead climbing so it's great for the climber to make sure you're technique is right and also for the belayer to make sure they know different ways of handling your fall.

So our first night involved quite a bit of going up the wall and throwing ourselves off it again which personally, was a hoot. I love it. I totally trust Graeme to catch me so as far as I'm concerned, it's all fun and games. That said, trust is being taken to a whole new level with this course. We did an exercise where the belayer had to close their eyes which as a climber is a little stressful as it means they're doing it all by touch and feeling the tension in the rope. But Graeme and I have a good deal going: don't drop me and I won't drop you. It's worked for us so far. ;-)

Next week will be the last session, it's just 2 x 2hrs and then we need to get a rope and get practicing as we'd like to get outdoors once before winter really kicks in and it's way too cold and wet to do it. Outside! Awesome!

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