Thursday, September 06, 2007

confession of a font nazi

I have a dirty little secret to share. In the October issue of DIVE, there will be Comic Sans.


My defence of this travesty is 'post-modern-irony'. I know it's Satan's font but because in this particular situation, it was actually appropriate (and those occasions are few and far between), I have let it through. So how did I come to stoop so low you ask? Well we have a regular feature every month called 'InDepth' and it always has a map of the area covered. October's is Cuba and the opener was a spread where we had postcard-styled photos of variosu aspects of Cuba and the map was one of these. As such, I sent our cartographer the instructions to cheese up the usual map style so that it looked more postcardy and when it came back, which was pretty much minutes before deadline, I saw that he had used Comic Sans as the font for the place names.

I actually wailed out loud.

But time was running short and, when you think about it, so many postcards use Comic Sans and so, with a nod to Fate's twisted and ironic sense of humour, I let it through. I could have changed the font, I had the technology. But I let it stay.

And that my friends is the burden I must bear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its OK Big A...... we all have our crosses to bear, some are just bigger and heavier than others.