It seems that if Britain isn't going on about Wayne Rooney's foot and the World Cup, they're talking about Brad & Angelina's baby. I mean what's the big bloody deal?! In the lead up to the birth, the media (well at least
Metro) mocked Namibia, calling them star struck and going on about how the nation wanted to declare a public holiday when the baby was born and give it citizenship. But the irony (hypocrisy?) of the situation seemed to elude the British press. So Namibia isn't allowed to make a fuss about the baby and you are? Pardon? Today the
media is filled with news of the sale of the first images taken of the child. Enough already! Who cares? It's
just a freakn' BABY. People have them every day. I throw my hands up the in air in frustrated disgust. Get a life people.

And in other news, today the art department became aware of my obsessive compulsive tendencies. Or at least they got a hint of the beast that lurks beneath the surface. I had to make a hood for my iMac because light reflections and general glare were mucking up how I viewed images. It had to be kinda huge and it ain't pretty but it does work.

The part where I freaked out people at work was where I measured out and cut a slot in the side of the hood so that it didn't cover up my CD slot. It seemed perfectly bloody logical to me. I mean what else was I meant to do? Or maybe the scary part was that it's a
perfect fit and I'm inordinately proud of it. Well at least
I think I'm cool.
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