I will get on to rabbitting on about the Foo Fighters but first I have to wail in distress because it turns out that I missed
Simon Lynge playing in London.
I'M SO UPSET!!!!!!!!!!!The one and only time I have seen Simon was at a music night at the Bedford in Balham and I was captivated. You can
listen to some of his songs on myspace. I highly recommend
Beautiful Way To Drown which is one of the songs I heard him perform. It sounds alright all fancied up for an album but this guy acoustic and live is just breathtaking. Such a beautiful voice. It will be my eternal regret that I let Sarah drag me away before I bought a CD. I will definitely be ordering one when it comes out but as I said, nothing will beat him acoustic. He's based in the States so isn't here often- and I missed him. Trauma.
But on to Foo Fighters.

There were 80,000 people in Hyde Park, or at least the portion they blocked off for it. It was a hot and sunny day and initially I thought I would cook but it cooled down nicely.
Queens of the Stoneage and
Motorhead opened for them. They're a bit heavyrocky for me but we could hang at the back where there was room to sit and people watch. And oh the viewing we had. There were lots of guys running around with their tops off who shouldn't have been and women running around in bikini tops who shouldn't have been and tattoos galore. One of my favs was Brad's. At least I'm guessing that's what his name was because that's what was tattooed on his back...

This pic is in here for Julie. Look J, here's your lovely sister with people's bums behind her. :-)

Aimee and Reece- it was so good to see you guys again. It was also slightly surreal having Aimee sitting in my living room as we gass-bagged away our Friday evening. It was like no time had passed at all.

Aimee, me and Kez.

Me and Reecey. He's pulling that funny face because he has a lump of popsicle stuck in his mouth. You just can't see it so he looks like a spaz. ;-)

As for the band themselves, well I thought they were great. They opened with, predictably,
In Your Honour and finished with a lovely slow version of
Everlong. In fact I was prompted to enter into the murky world of the iTunes music store so that I could download that song. I've stayed away from it so far because I'm pretty sure it's a slippery slope once you start. £0.79 here, £0.79 there and suddenly you're racked up £10. I stuck to 2 songs. At least for today. Hee hee. Dave Grohl is just so charismatic it is hard to believe. That man is a God.

Going in to it all I was a bit anxious, I mean 80,000 people is quite a few really- but it was totally fine. For most of it we hung around near the back where we could all laze around on the grass and then when FF started, some of us moved closer in. We ended up behind this guy who was hard-out air-guitaring his way through the songs. It was beautiful to watch. The crowd was really well behaved- I guess because everyone was just happy to be seeing the band- and we didn't lose anyone and it was a great night.
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