God but it’s been a busy week. And it’s only Wednesday. I mean it has to be, I haven’t blogged since Friday. And now I have so much say and, as ever, so little time to say it in. My weekend was pretty relaxed without any big surprises. I was hoping for them but nope, no surprises for Aynia.

On Saturday night I headed out with Kerry to drinks at the Boathouse in Putney. It was in connection with a friend of Kerry’s but we knew nobody there. So I was prepped to meet new people, have a chat, be all sociable. I’m currently implementing the policy that I should attend all the new event things I can because you can’t complain about not meeting people if you’re not putting yourself “out there”. So out I went. I swear I was not as cynical going in to it as the photo would imply, my cynicism was totally for the camera.

Well it turned out that everyone was sitting down outside and it just wasn’t the kind of thing that was conducive to meeting new people so Kerry and I had a couple of drink, chatted to her friend and people beside us and midnight saw us back on her sofa, dead to the world. So the evening felt like a bit of a waste in a way but it was still nice and chilled.
On Sunday, a bunch of us went for lunch to this Thai restaurant in Fulham called the Blue Elephant. This place is sooooooooooooo supercool. You
have to check out their
images although the pages might take a while to load. Or maybe it’s just that my internet has packed up and gone on holiday today. In the evening, Bobert (aka Pirate Rob) arrived to crash on my futon for the night before he jetted off to NY. We settled in for a night of DVD watching with Rob’s choice
Cinema Paradiso and mine,
Everything is Illuminated. And I must say, we both made excellent choices. No room (or time) to write reviews or synopsis here so check out the links. Unfortunately,
Cinema Paradiso turned out to be 3 hours long (bloody director's cut) so we only finished with it at 11pm. For a Sunday night, and taking in to account that Bobberino had to be up at 5:30am to get to the airport, 11pm sounded like a good time to go to bed. But when I suggested it, Rob said he’d like to watch the other film.

He could see the sleepy look in my eye combined with resignation and he said, “You’re not about to be out-movie-marathoned by a boy are you?” Oh he knows the buttons to push alright. So shortly after 1am I dragged myself off to bed only to be jerked awake by Sarah coming home boozed and she banged around and talked loudly on her cellphone. Charming. (But seriously, both movies were really good, I highly recommend them.)
As a result I had about 3 hours of sleep and only just made it through Monday. And now suddenly it’s Wednesday. Where does the time go? Speaking of which, I should wind this up here and save indignant rants and further news till tomorrow. Ciao.
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