I think the strange thing about birthdays is that one minute you're one age and WHAM! the next your suddenly one more. At least on paper, at least when you're talking to people. When I use the crosstrainer at the gym I now have to enter my age as 27 whereas just last week it was 26. Luckily I'm not in a quarter-life crisis or anything,

I'm just saying- it's strange.The party went well on Saturday- it was a scorcher of a weekend and it was so nice to enjoy my birthday outside for once. Back home it always falls in exam time and it's winter and nobody wants to go out. Over here, we stayed out all night.

Kerry and I had to ditch the moustaches after a while as they were itchy and you couldn't really talk or laugh or smile or eat or drink with them on.

Luckily the ponchos were of this really light material, otheriwse we would have died.The piƱata was a huge success- I couldn't belive that 90% of the people there had never heard of one before. I guess that's what you get for growing up in the southern states for a while.

Here are me and Alan. We all decided that he looked freakishly
right with that mo and that this will be what he will look like when he's 50.

Mandy, Kerry and Sue- the moustaches tended to make the rounds over the course of the night.

And Lotte came too YAY! So nice to have another Kiwi around and she got a good dose of Saffas.

In the middle is Kerry's flatmate Phil who is every bit as tall as he looks in this picture- even though Kerry and I are not tall girls.
And that's the photo essay folks. I'm afraid I'm not feeling very eloquent today because it must be over 25 degrees in our office- apparently it's 30 outside. It better not be this bad next Saturday or I won't make it to the Foo Fighters, I'll have melted into an icky pool of AyniaGoop™.
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