So Aynia the Organisational Nazi is out in full force today. I have booked me & Ali in for a taster session on a climbing wall, I've called the martial arts people and booked myself in for an intro class, sorted out birthday invites (well Kerry sorted it, I tweaked it and gave my high and mighty approval) and it's only lunchtime! Sure, three things may not sound like much but the first two have been hanging over my head for ages. It turns out that this martial arts place may not be my ultimate dream come true- the weapons classes consist of cycling through a range of weapons (and I don't feel you can learn any weapon properly if you're only doing it once a week for a couple of months) but maybe it'd be fun to dabble in a range of things. The guy on the phone did mention Chinese broadswords and that can hardly be a bad thing, can it?

On other things, the weather seems to be gradually shaping up in to something I might call summer. On Sunday a bunch of us went to Hyde Park for a day out. There was eating and drinking and lots of frisbee and kicking around of a bouncy ball and also cartwheeling (me only on that one). It was just nice to be outside and active and horsing around (which is my nice way of describing what I look like as I run after a frisbee like a psycho un-co). The pic, for those interested in putting faces to names, is of Tanya and Andy. I also dragged Sarah (the other pic) along although I wasn't lucky enough to drag her off the blanket to run after a frisbee. After frisbee, the boys decided to play a game of footie (soccer to the plebs) so I bowed out at this point and just as well.

There were two British lads there and one, when he took off his jersey, looked like what I would call a typical Brit. Shaved head, sunnies, v buff (not the norm) and resplendent in white wifebeater. What was hilarious about this though was the effort and mean intent behind his game of footie. You'd see a skin head charging across the grass, looking all athletic as he dodged back and forth but when you looked down, you'd see that what he was chasing was in fact a small beach ball, decorated in bright primary colours. At the time, the contrast of the two was bloody hilarious.
In other upcoming events of my life- on Thursday I am going to see Phoenix Foundation which I am sooooooooooo excited about, I just hope it doesn't make me homesick- and on June 17 I'm going to the Foo Fighters. There's a whole bunch of us short women going but we'll have some tall strapping lads to act as buffers so I'm sure it'll be a riot. And I get to see Aimee and Reece so I’m just one big bundle of eager anticipation at the moment.
And who would have though that
'They Might Be Giants' would come in handy but last night Sarah was reading a travel brochure and asked where Constantinople and like lighting I said, "It's Istanbul." Of course then I had to carry on with, "Istanbul was Constantinople, now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople, been a long time gone, Constantinople, now it's Turkish delight on a moonlit night." Needless to say, I got that blank/sceptical/confused/do-we-need-to-lock-her-up look that I am so familiar with. It's not
my fault that she isn't familiar with a band that writes some of the craziest lyrics I've ever had the pleasure to sing along with.
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