This weekend was a bank holiday weekend in the UK. What this basically means is that Monday was a public holiday. There are about 4 bank holidays a year and I have absolutely no idea why they are public holidays. But if I get a day off work, I'm not one to rock the boat with wanting to know

It was a relatively peaceful weekend that involved hanging out with friends, going out for brunch and baking. What will stick in my mind most though, is
'American Dreamz' which we went to see at the movies yesterday. This movie has had quite a bit of negative feedback
"This overly silly satire aims at too many targets with arrows too dull to make relevant social commentary." but I really have to disagree. I thought it was great. I sat there as the credits rolled, slightly stunned and all I had to say was, "That was THE most cynical movie I have
ever seen." (Notice that I managed to speak both in block caps and italics. No small feat, let me tell you...) I went expecting a comedy. What I got was a film that hid a lot of very caustic comments under a thin veneer of low-grade humour. I can see how some people wouldn't get it. If you're really
really dumb, it would seem like a cheesy funny movie. I sat there thinking that (a) I can't believe America let that movie be made and (b) it's amazing what you can get away with saying if you hide it in a joke.
On other news, I'm trying to organise some of my friends to go to Venice for a weekend in June to celebrate my and Kerry's birthdays. Goodbloodyluck. You try to pin down 4 females down on when they want to travel, where to, what kind of accommodation they want to stay in and how much they're willing to pay for it all. Lucky I'm half German and a total OCD control freak. If anyone's up to the challenge, it's me.
Oh yes, I nearly forgot- a giant tsk tsk and disapproving head-shake goes out to everyone in NZ (except Alice, who wrote to me today, you're my fav) because NOBODY has written since I've been back in the UK. I gave out magnets, I know you have my email address. It's not fair that you get to read about me and I know nothing about you. So get writing you lazy tossers.
Please. xox
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