You know those little moments in life that are of almost no consequence whatsoever but make you really happy anyway? I had one today- I realised that Dave, the art editor at work, was wearing a Samurai Jack t-shirt. It's like seeing someone wearing a Homestar Runner t-shirt really- total surprise and joy and finding a fellow supercool person. A massive Samurai Jack enthusiasm session followed and he has them all on DVD so guess what I'm going to be watching very soon? So ultrafly, I'm very excited. For those not in the know, Samurai Jack is mega cool. Apart from amusing story lines, I am in love with the graphics and drawing style.

I'm a huge fan of animation in general and am of the genre of fan who can forgive (almost) lack of a decent plot if it looks bloody cool. I could rant and rave about animation but today I stick to 2D. Johnny Bravo (above) is another fav- I really need Cartoon Network which is the only place where you get to see a decent amout of these guys. I would write a top10 list and put in appropriate links but I really have work I should be doing so instead I'll slap in some pics. Of the golden oldies, Marvin rates up there

because he is just hilarious. I think the ambiguity in Marvin is part of the appeal. Given his lack of facial features, so much of his emotion needs to be conveyed by his eyes and body language. And when he does talk (which is rarely), he has this nerdy little voice which sounds like it's been choked off half way down his throat. Finally

there is Speedy who I have always had a soft spot for but got far too little coverage in my opinion.
Looking back I wish to apologise for such an über crappily written blog. So many generalisations, nothing in depth, no links to chase up- so slack. I blame work for distracting me. You'll just have to show some initiative and google the stuff yourselves.
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