I was sure I had some meaty topic I was going to tackle today but the heat had fried my brain and all I can think of is the chance that I might have found a place to do
bojitsu again. It's been almost a year now since I've swung my staff around and I didn't fully realise how much I missed it until I was home for the 2 weeks and went back to
training (only the once though, I'm so soft).
For the past week or so there have been people on the streets of Richmond wearing black belts and t-shirts with 'Richmond Academy of Martial Arts' on them and today at lunchtime I gathered up my pluck and went up to talk to one of them.

I have had a look around on the web for bojitsu stuff in London but haven't had much luck so when the guy mentioned that they did weapons which included staff, I was so keen and eager that I totally forgot to ask about cost. So dumb. You get one free intro class which they want everyone to do and apparently it just runs you through the basics. I'm totally cool with starting from scratch, I just want to be able to do staff stuff again and hopefully jujitsu although I'm happy with doing something different for a while.

This 'academy' teaches 8 different styles of martial arts, not including weapons and is a fulltime thing as the instructors are there all day either teaching, training or out on the street recruiting. What I really liked was that they weren't accosting people so there was no pressure and the guy I talked to seemed quite nice. They have my name and number and will call me next Sunday (I'm busy until then) and book me in for an intro class. So fingers crossed that they aren't a bunch of flakes or wankers and that it all goes well. And it would be so super of it works out because the place is right beside Richmond train station and would be so handy so go to after work.

Reading back over this, I sound
way too calm, considering how excited I am. On the inside it's more like a berserk Aynia running around with muppet-styled frenzy going, "I get to swing around a stick again! I get to play with sticks! I get to be all martial artsy again! I get to play with sticks! Sticks sticks sticks. Yay yay yay. Hit hit hit. Happy happy happy." Think a combo between the Cookie Monster and Animal. And you never know, give it a couple of years and I might just look like April. Just. Might.
1 comment:
I bet that secretly you are training to be an MI6 spy. i heard that they were advertising for the job not too long ago.
"Agent DeathStick"
"Agent HitswithStick"
"Agent kickYoAss"
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