I know I have already mentioned my talent for leaving my backpack behind at the pub after a couple of quiets with workmates but this morning I exhibited my other talent- resculpting my ankles with a fresh razor blade. I think those fuckers are blood thirsty because the number of times I have carved chunks of skin out of my lower shin/bit on the outside of my leg just above the ankle bone can be counted by the scars that I have to prove it. I don't know why this happens to me (apart form me being totally un-co and retarded) but this morning- at the gym of all places, I decided to deforest my legs and next thing I know, I'm pissing blood all over the shower stall. Well that's a slight exaggeration, it was just doing the nice razor cut trick of enthusiastically dribbling down my leg. It's bad enough doing this kind of thing at home but I didn't really feel like scaring the other women in the stalls beside me as red-stained water flowed past them in the drain (again I exaggerate but still...). I even had to go to Boots afterwards and buy Savlon and a Band-Aid strip. Oh the indignity.
But enough of my unmarketable talents- for the next five days I shall be living out my life trying to ignore the fact that my flatmate Sarah is in Las Vegas. That's right folks, she and her buddy decided to jet off to LV for a Bon Jovi concert. Why? Because they could. They're both travel agents so I'm guessing there's some kind of discount in the works somewhere but still... Dude. Jealous. Vegas. Wow. They are staying at The Excalibur which apparently has a male stripper in the foyer. Oh Vegas you are so classy. I think the Excalibur looks absolutely glorious and my enthusiasm may have scared even Sarah. I mean look at it. There is no way you can tell me that that is not a thing of beauty. Neon coat of arms decorate that walls AND, Sarah's book tells her that every hour on the hour, a mechanical dragon comes out and has a battle with a mechanical knight. Oh the glory. Since looking through Sarah's books and brochures, I would have to say that LV is now pretty up there on my list of places to go if I'm in the States. I'm not that big on crowds and don't gamble (I suck) but when one place has SO much glorious kitsch and tack and on such a grand scale, surely you owe it to yourself to witness it in person.
1 comment:
hah! i thought for a second there you had decided to go there whimsically!
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