Well I had an eventful weekend. On Saturday night, after a leisurely evening of DVD and TV watching with Sam, I came home to discover that we had a leaky pipe. I went to get a clean dish cloth from under the sink and when I took the packet out, they were wet. So there's me standing in my kitchen at midnight going, "Hmm... there shouldn't be water under my sink... Soddit." So I took out all our cleaning products, wiped everything down and dried it and then located the leak. A few half-hearted attempts to tighten the screw/tap/thingy came to nothing and I didn't feel like putting some back in to it because water pissing all over me and my kitchen at midnight on a Saturday did not seem the ideal way to spend my weekend. So I stuck a plastic bag under it and bowl and went to bed. When I woke up the bowl was full- all 2.5L so I decided to get a bit inventive. I stuck a bucket under the sink but it didn't fit under the leak so I rigged up a little ramp/funnel thingy out of tinfoil that ran from the pipe to the bucket and et voila! The day was saved. (Or so I thought...) I'm telling you, some duct tape and a bit of fertiliser and I could have made a bomb.
So I rang the landlady, told her about the leak and went on my merry way. Arriving home at 5pm, I saw the bucket was full so I emptied it out and two hours later it was full again. Oh dear. So I called the landlady again and we decided to turn the mains off overnight so the bucket didn't overflow. Goodluck. TUrns out we've got some hella dodgey piping in our flat. No stopcocks in sight and no way to stop water leaking.

(This was also the first time I ever had to find/use a stopcock or even say the word and I was tired and trying not to laugh. What a funny name. Stop. Cock. Hee hee) So I did what any girl would do in this kind of situation. I called my Dad. Stopcock located, eventually managed to turn it off (this took several attempts and I am not a weak person, I swear this thing was rusted in place) and I went to bed to sleep the deep calm sleep of those who know that they will not wake up to a floor full of water.

As of yet, I haven't heard from the landlady so I'm just hoping that she has indeed come by and fixed it- or at least looked at it and booked someone to come in and fix it. If not, she will be dealing with a not so cutey-cutey Aynia.
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