I've been aware for quite a while now that I actually NEED to go to the gym in the morning and it's not just guilt that's making me go, it's something else. But what? Well this morning I figured it out fo' shizzle. I was slogging away on the cross trainer, complete with super-trendy iPod in its armband, feeling quite tired and grumpy and hot and sweaty when suddenly the song changed on my iPod and WHAM, it hit me. Endorphins.
I like them. I like them a lot.
And then I knew for sure what I had previously expected. I'm not getting up at 6:45am every weekday for my health, it's for my daily injection of endorphins. One minute I'm some sullen lump on a machine and the next I'm this smirking athletic body racing off to some nirvana with scantily clad, buff young men.
What I can't seem to figure out though is exactly what sets it off. The funny thing was that this morning I was listening to songs which usually get me going at a fast and happy pace but this morning they just didn't seem to be working and I was resigned to a hard slog. But then it kicked in. It doesn't always happen at the same time or when I'm doing the same type of exercises or when I'm listening to the same song. Maybe my body's keeping me guessing, trying to add a little spice to my life. And to be honest, I don't really care. As long as the endorphins kick in, this girl is happy.
At the same time, I'm in no danger of becoming a complete junkie and spending 2 hours at the gym every day, just to get my fix. This is for at least two reasons: 1- I would have to get up earlier in the morning and that is
so not happening 2- my body just wouldn't make it. I'd implode and if that didn't happen then limbs would start to drop off.

Oooh and I nearly forgot something I meant to mention yesterday in connection with the Oscars- Keira Knightley is a fake. For years now I have only just made it through movies she is in because her accent pisses me off SO much. She has the kind of ponsed-up hoity-toity British accent that non-Brits put on when they want to pretend to be upper-class and I've been thinking to myself, "That
cannot be real." And guess what? It isn't. On Monday night there was a section of the news dedicated to the Oscar awards and there was a part where they talked to Keira who was all excited about having sat beside Jack Nicholson and when she opened up her mouth to talk, out came The Broadest Accent Ever. Hell yes, I love being right. I can understand how she may have had to tidy it up a bit seeing as she's been in several period dramas but dude, it is NOT her real accent. And you know what, it actually made me like her more. It's quite cute/funny when this delicate and sophisticated looking thing opens her mouth and out comes this broad and kinda nasty British accent. Bless her. This will not however not stop me being super annoyed whenever I hear her talk in movies in the future.
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