I had planned to do an indepth foray into Chinatown's supermarkets on Sunday but Pirate Rob wasn't really in the mood although we were both mesmerized by some tacky waving cat statues. I'm sure they're something symbolic and traditional but they just made us laugh. So instead of loading myself with rice products, tofu and unidentified dried vegetables, we got Rob a new mouse for his computer and then went to see 'Syriana'. I haven't seen a movie like this in a while- like since I left NZ- since this is the kind of movie I go to with my Dad. The movie was almost ruined by the fact that Rob and I had been talking about 'Team America World Police' just before the movie (Rob had watched it again a couple of weeks ago) and then we sit down to this serious movie and on walks Matt Damon and Rob and I start sniggering. Luckily we settled down quite quickly.
And today has been a really good day- I've had 2 woffy (warm and fuzzy feeling) moments but one is private and the other would sound like I was bragging but still, two special things in one day. That ain't too shabby. And don't get your hopes up Kitty, they're not boy related. ;-)
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