Now, Aynia, that is just insanely luxurious by the looks of it!
I've decided that when I come stay with you, we shall travel some of europe, particularly visiting this hotspot of bliss! Babies! Swimming pool! Sun! heaven!
It has been a rough last two weeks with Critic. The late nights have been extreme, and the issues relentless, plus I'm being tested for a revisit from the glandular fever fairy -- suck!
One thing that has been on the back boiler is the prospect of getting shiny new computers in the office. Lots of them! That would be awesome considering, the present gaggle's age, the hassel of beefing them with ram and memory, and the promise of technical lads doing ALL the re-networking and file backups. Heck they may as well do my job for a week.
The plan is to do a simultaneous trickle-down/broad sweep effect with new comps. Leave the G5 for a year, and replace G3s, then when Adobe put out their intel compatible CS Suite at the end of the year, upgrade the G5 to a pro, and pass present G5 to Ad Designer. So I'm thinking lots of shiny imacs, no more unexpectedly quitting, and fast fast fast. Letting the editor deal with that whole, you know, "money" thing.
Sheesh! My post is boring compared to yours Aynia! It's just because I haven't been anywhere else but home and the office all week, which is a mere 622 steps in total. The post office is inbetween, so whenever I go pay a bill, it's a really exciting detour, and proves how much I need to be getting out a bit more.
Will keep pestering Straylight for virtual Critic mouth-to-mouth, there has been a lapse in functioning somewhere...
Otherwise, y'all can email your street address hasty-like, and I'll send some your way!
Waiting fro some proofing to finish...
too doo doo do do do...
dum dee dumm daaaa...
Coming soon: More exciting weekend post next with pics, I promise!