Wednesday, February 27, 2008

mountains and molehills

I don't tend to get sick that often so when I do, I do it in style- which is just fine. There are however the times that I get common-garden-under-the-weather, like I am now. Combine my general unaccustomedness of B-Grade unwell with my paranoia about the English health system and you have the perfect recipe for Aynia the Hypochondriac. Yesterday, just as I was leaving work, I noticed that my throat was getting sore again and then I got a twinge in my ear and in the 20 mins it took to get me to the supermarket on my way home, I had myself diagnosed with an ear infection and possible tonsillitis. I drank not one, not two, but four hot lemon, honey and ginger drinks last night which is usually a fool-proof way to cut a sore throat off at the pass but not this one, oh no. I woke up at 5am and my throat felt swollen and sore and my body was achey and I started to think of all the other things that could be wrong with me. And then just before I was leaving the house this morning I felt a twinge in my right shoulder which seems like the same place it hurt before when I had tendinitis which I really don't want because that had me out of action for about a month and my climbing's going so well at the moment that I'd be gutted if I couldn't climb.

I'm falling to pieces* (ear infection, tonsillitis and my arm is about to drop off) and worse yet, I may have to the NHS. shudder Call me crazy but I just don't put any faith in my doctor who I've met once and is a little old man who didn't really talk to me at all apart from to read over the form I filled in to register with him. I think he took my blood pressure but that might be my imagination. ..

*remember these are the ramblings of a sleep-deprived hypochondriac. I'm sure if I OD on vitamin C all will come right.

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