Tuesday, February 19, 2008

London, it's as easy as A, B, C...

My friend Sue has devised (appropriated/adapted) a scheme by which we will do more interesting things and see more interesting stuff in and around London this year- the Alphabet Weekend. On a chosen weekend we will, in order, choose three letters (or maybe 4 if we're ambitious) of the alphabet and do an activity or see a sight that starts with that letter. We started this weekend just past and did Abby Road, Borough Market and China Town.

We actually started our outing at Borough Market as it worked smoother transport-wise. I love Borough Market. It's all the cool food. Witness at my look of cheese joy:

And here is me giving some bread what really looks like a glad-eye:

There is only so much of Sue and her camera that two girls can handle.


We only had three of us but we did our best to recreate the walk... I wore by flare jeans especially and do believe I have the best walking action. Even if I do say so myself.

Sue also decided that we need to make the shape of the appropriate letter at each site using our bodies. I think we're gonna take a bit of practice... This was an initial attempt at an 'A'. I swear I thought my leg was higher but it really looks like I'm kicking Rose in the groin*

The 'B' was our first attempt at any letter creation and it took us a while to work out what we wanted to do...

Me and Sue making a 'C' at the Gate to China Town.

At the time, I thought I was trying to make a backwards 'C'. It seems I really have to work on what I think I'm doing with my body and what is happening in reality. Still a funny photo though.

And in closing
Totally unrelated to Alphabet Weekends but vaguely related to London is this Shakespeare Insult Kit that I found on the web. I have too many favourites to name but I particularly like the sound of:
paunchy pox-marked pignut
fawning flap-mouthed flirt-gill
vain common-kissing canker-blossom

Some names I had to look up the definition for because they ended up to be nothing like what I may have guessed:
fustilarian A low fellow; a stinkard; a scoundrel
mammet An idol; a puppet; a doll
flirt-gill A woman of light behavior; a gill-flirt.

Bawdy, churlish, paunchy, saucy, surly- all great words to say. I love the way you can roll them around your mouth. Not on his list but equally satisfying are pillock and bollocks.

*I promise no Rose was harmed in the making of these images.

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