Monday, October 15, 2007


Yesterday I had what can only be described as a small slice of tv heaven. At least my idea of tv heaven- probably tv hell for some but for me it getting to watch two of my favourite childhood films- Ladyhawke, followed by The Princess Bride. The only way to make this better would have been to add on The Neverending Story but that might have meant a bit too much sofa time. Even for me...

The Princess Bride
This is my favourite movie of all time. I can quote most of it to an annoying degree. I could yabber on and on about it but I'm short on time so I'll let the links do the talking. There is of course the obligatory wikipedia link but I quite liked this guy's review although parts of it made me laugh:
I was surprised to learn from the documentary on this DVD that The Princess Bride was a low-budget film, because it doesn’t really look like one.

Umm.... pardon? I rather think it does. And I say this with all the love I possibly can. It's not a cheap and nasty, badly filmed, green-screen-arama movie but there are quite clearly a lot of built sets and not location shots and I'm assuming it's easier to build it than take all the crew out to a location... Anyway, to me, it smacks of low budget, but in a good way.

This has to be one of the most iconic scenes from TPB. There are many more of course and I could embed YouTube movies till the cows come home but I shall restrain myself and stop here:


I feel rude not giving Ladyhawke any space on this entry- maybe the next one. Right now I gotta dash.

1 comment:

Kura said...

Hi Aynia

PB is one of my fav movies too! Are you a member of Facebook? The have a great host PB fangroup, several called:" Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya! You killed my father, prepare to DIE!"

they also have a Harry Potter parody one called:"Hello. My name is Harry Potter. You killed my parents. Prepare to die."

Anyhoo, did Alice tel you I am living in Rarotonga?
Swing by my
