Friday, July 04, 2008

subtle as a brick to the head

I've been stumbling again and in my travels came across this website (which is really truly awesome if you're interested in propaganda posters/art)which had this image on it:

I mean dude, that's not even a little bit subtle, is it? I'm fascinated my propoganda posters. You'd think they'd go for something subliminal but really, they're about as blatant as they can be. Or at least this one is.

I'm also fascinated by the posters promoting safe sex during the war. I mean it makes things sounds really dire. Were they really losing such huge percentages of soldiers to STDs that they felt they had to advertise?

And please tell me I'm not the only one who saw this and thought, "Darth Vader!?!". Maybe Lucas was inspired by this poster.

1 comment:

standgale said...

definitely darth vader. I agree with your assessments/criticisms/confusions on the others too.