Sunday was Cake Sunday (again) but due to the request of the person whose turn it was to choose the baked goods, it turned out to be another Cupcake Sunday. I don't know what my objection to cupcakes is. I guess it's because I hear cupcake and I think fairycake which in the UK seems to mean any cupcake but to me is some sponge-esque thing (translates in Aynia Taste-bud Speak to blaaaaaaaaaaaaaah tastes like nothing) with some sweet butter icing and maybe the butterfly wing thing on top and most likely hundreds and thousands. So it looks cute but tastes like sugary nothing BORINGNESS.
But my friends seem to love cupcakes so I'm branching out and finding exciting recipies and so far, so good. Of course I end up 'doing an Aynia' on most of them. Like the recipe for coconut cherry cupcakes? Well I hate those maraschino cherries so decided cranberries would do instead and if you're having cranberries, you might as well throw in some white chocolate. And I can say, unequivocally, that my Coconut, Cranberry and White chocolate Cupcakes were a roaring success. The coconut made them reminiscent of macaroons which are yumyum yummy.
I also decided that it was time to embrace the spirit of the cupcake and went decoration crazy. And then I went macro-documentation crazy. Look at my works of art:

Hours of fun! The girls even had a go at decorating a few themselves when they came over. Fun for all the family, whatever the age.
1 comment:
Apparently I did not say when I read this the other day, that these cupcakes are awesome.
I am bad at icing, so I am extra impressed.
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