Friday, July 25, 2008

Not right....

Sometimes you come across really bizarre stories in the news but this one takes the cake. It's about the third annual Festival of the Guinea Pig in Huacho, Peru. Yup, Festival of the Guinea Pig. They dress them up (more pics here ), have a little fashion show, and then they eat them. Weirded out man. Just totally weirded out.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Land ahoy!

So I got an email from a friend asking if I wanted to go to Brittany for a long weekend and this picture was attached. So of course I had to write back and say, "Fo' real? Is that where we'll be staying?!!?" Coz if so, how does a girl say no?

Budget is tight at the moment, this is true, but the picture sold me and how can you turn down the chance to stay at an old fort on an island? Well on my way home last night I was talking myself out of it but when I checked my email that evening, I was informed that the island is located near Saint-Malo which used to be an old pirate haven. An old pirate haven. Which veryvery firmly sealed the deal. Could we get any closer to Aynia Heaven?
1- island
2- ocean
3- boats
5- old medieval fortified city
6- "one of the highest concentration of sea food restaurants in Europe"
In fact I may never come back...

Now I just have to convince my friends that when we visit Saint-Malo, it will be compulsory to talk like pirates......

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Arts and Crafts Aynia-stylz

Sunday was Cake Sunday (again) but due to the request of the person whose turn it was to choose the baked goods, it turned out to be another Cupcake Sunday. I don't know what my objection to cupcakes is. I guess it's because I hear cupcake and I think fairycake which in the UK seems to mean any cupcake but to me is some sponge-esque thing (translates in Aynia Taste-bud Speak to blaaaaaaaaaaaaaah tastes like nothing) with some sweet butter icing and maybe the butterfly wing thing on top and most likely hundreds and thousands. So it looks cute but tastes like sugary nothing BORINGNESS.

But my friends seem to love cupcakes so I'm branching out and finding exciting recipies and so far, so good. Of course I end up 'doing an Aynia' on most of them. Like the recipe for coconut cherry cupcakes? Well I hate those maraschino cherries so decided cranberries would do instead and if you're having cranberries, you might as well throw in some white chocolate. And I can say, unequivocally, that my Coconut, Cranberry and White chocolate Cupcakes were a roaring success. The coconut made them reminiscent of macaroons which are yumyum yummy.

I also decided that it was time to embrace the spirit of the cupcake and went decoration crazy. And then I went macro-documentation crazy. Look at my works of art:

Hours of fun! The girls even had a go at decorating a few themselves when they came over. Fun for all the family, whatever the age.

Monday, July 21, 2008

the harsh yoke of reality

So I've gallivanted, I've holiday-bonanza-ed, I have worn of the jandal, sweltered in the heat, swum with the fishies, been on the boat and now my fling of carefree tomfoolery is at an end and it's time to knuckle down again. I got back from Egypt last Sunday and gave myself a week of token gesture exercise and eating what I want and having my room still be a bomb site (haven't quite entirely remedied that one yet...) but I have told myself that one week of post-holiday wallowing is enough and now it's back to reality. I started with a run this morning which went much easier than expected which leads me to believe that my body was, quite simply, in shock, and it is only tomorrow when I try to do the same thing that it will, with quiet indignation, refuse to cooperate. Or, because it's more my style, sabotage me in some subtle way.

Egypt (this latest jaunt was to Sharm, or more accurately Naama Bay) was great. It was 37degrees most of the time and the water was usually 28 but as long as I was on the boat and in the shade or in the water, the temperature wasn't so bad. Coming back to a muggy 26 in London actually feels almost as bad. Being by the water and on a boat (Hello, my name is Aynia and I'm addicted to boats) did its usual job of reaffirming my decision to head back down south. The decision feels right and I know it's what I want to do but as the time looms closer (and it is looming folks), I find that what I'm really going to miss is my people. If I could take my friends and associated social groups back with me, life would be perfect. The sad thing about leaving Egypt this time is that people would say, "See you next time!" and I'd be replying with a plaintive wail of distress, "No you won't! I'm moving to Australia!" I've been to Camel (the hotel/dive club I stayed at) three times now, it's where I learned to dive and in a way it feels like a home away from home. There are people there who I catch up with each time, people I look forward to seeing and I may only see them every 8 months or so but still, the thought of never seeing them again (or at least not for years and years and years- I would like to dive in Egypt again at some point) is very sad.

But I still don't regret my decision. In fact I was having one of those hypothetical, "If we won Lotto" discussions with my Mum at the weekend and I realised that even if I was suddenly filthy rich, I still wouldn't stay here any longer, I'd still be headed home for Christmas. I'd be back here for a long holiday in very short order, yes, but I'd still be headed to where the sun shines for longer and I can have quality Mum and Dad hugs on-tap. So I'm coming to grips with the conundrum of know-I-need-to-leave-in fact-I-WANT-to-leave vs want-to-take-my-possé-with-me.

For those who care about actual diving things, this trip was a reasonable success for me. I went in July as it's meant to be the season for 'big stuff' and I think I had a reasonable degree of success. We did countless jumps into the blue and swimming into the blue in search of schooling hammerheads but had to luck at all on that front. In fact by my last day I was starting to think that the reef shark I'd seen on my first day was nothing but a tease. And then I hit last-day-luck. Whilst kitting up for our last dive, a whale shark decided to come and visit so we promptly ditched the tanks, slapped on snorkel gear and jumped in. You've never seen people kit up so quickly... I was told that it was only a baby, about 2.5m long but it was my first and, as far as I'm concerned, pretty amazing. (Except of course now I was to see bigger ones and closer up.) And then on the last dive we went in search of sharks and found 2 of them, white tipped reef sharks (again) but still bloody awesome. They were a fair way off, at the drop-off of one of the reefs but still, I saw them, they were cool and it was the perfect way to finish a dive trip.

But now my holiday bonanza is over and done with and I shall pretty much being staying put in London until it's time to head south. With three holidays in such quick succession, my room slightly resembles a bomb site. There have been many things that there seemed no point in packing away because I'd just be pulling them out again in a week or so. But not now. Oh no. Now is the time to pack away the sunscreen, insect repellent, ratty straw cowboy-styled sunhat, miscellaneous toiletries and holiday paraphernalia. I have to remember all my gym kit, put away the tent and diving kit and get on with life as it is. What's that? Shut up with my self-indulgent and mildly melodramatic whining? How rude! Totally justified but still, a girl's gotta be allowed to wallow for a while. So I guess this is where I remind myself that last week was my one allowed Week of Wallowing and Excessive Cheese Consumption. All that is now over and so here ends my little violin solo...

Friday, July 04, 2008

subtle as a brick to the head

I've been stumbling again and in my travels came across this website (which is really truly awesome if you're interested in propaganda posters/art)which had this image on it:

I mean dude, that's not even a little bit subtle, is it? I'm fascinated my propoganda posters. You'd think they'd go for something subliminal but really, they're about as blatant as they can be. Or at least this one is.

I'm also fascinated by the posters promoting safe sex during the war. I mean it makes things sounds really dire. Were they really losing such huge percentages of soldiers to STDs that they felt they had to advertise?

And please tell me I'm not the only one who saw this and thought, "Darth Vader!?!". Maybe Lucas was inspired by this poster.