Can you have too many kitten pictures? I don't know- coz just when I think I'm about to go, "Oh God, not another bloody cute picture of a kitten!", I come across the really cute one that makes me go all mooshy and aaaaaaaaaaaw. I want one. I want two. I want them now. I think I'd have to stay away from a tabby for a while because even though it's been almost three years (? really? that long?) since our dear darling Minnie left us, I still get misty eyed at times. Like one of these kitten videos- I had to stop watching it because I was at work and about to cry. (Don't watch these Mum, it'll just make you upset.) All that rubbing of fluffy kitty tummies. I miss my cat.
But for those who like cats and are into schadenfreude, you have to look at these videos. Oh the hilarity. Oh the slapstick. Is there anything funnier than a cat going spastic?
And because this seems to be turning into a total cat-centric blog (I will get around to writing about Paris, I promise!), this is funny too.
I was just exploring links from the link above. Do not, and I repeat do NOT look at this link. That is not unless you want to claw your eyes out... It is described as "BOB'S PAGE
His hysterically funny, light-hearted, multimedia "autobiography." An epic saga of outrageous proportions; you will enjoy each short chapter!" Now my mother brought me up on the philosophy that if you can't say anything good about someone, you shouldn't say anything at all and I don't know Bob and I don't like slating people behind their back- especially when I've never even met them- but if I were to say something to Bob, it would go along the lines of, "Bob. DUDE. That many animated gifs do NOT belong together on one page. N E V E R. Say it with me Bob: less is more." And it gets better- I clicked on his autobiography link and yep, there's an image in the sidebar using comic sans. I knew it. I could smell it.
And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse...
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.... Check out every link. Share my pain. Please.
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